A great gift for anyone who owns or loves horses!
Reflections, Equus and Us
by Susan Derr Drake
$45 includes tax and shipping

A magical journey touching on man's relationships with horse's in a marriage of sight, sound, and energy created to awaken insights lost, forgotten or not yet seen with 40 photos, 40 poems and 40 stories of Dressage, Hunters, Three Day, Western and more sharing beautiful experiences with horses and the metaphors in life.
Only at www.RidingAids.com

Send check to
Susan Derr Drake
121 Whale Tale Trail
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Susan's Art career started at 7 years old going to the University of Florida's night classes with her father. She began painting oil paintings at that time. By 13 she had a 'One Woman' Show and won not only at the California Arts Festival, but out of 8000 entries from 42 states won the Nationl Scholastic Art Contest in New York and Grumbacher award. From 14-16yrs Susan studied in Turkey with the leading Artist, Ramo Tuzlougolu weekly perfecting her ink, drawing and painting skills. Returning to the US, she continued showing and selling her art work. At 18 Susan was offered a full Art Scholarship to a midwest Girls College. Susan declined the offer. Susan studied photojournalism at a local college and supporting her riding path by being a horse show photographer, a bi-imonthly writer for the Horse Action News, and foreign journalist with a cover story of the 1976 World Dressage Championships in Montreal Canada for the California Horse Trader. Susan expanded her love of horses at California Polytechnic University in Pomona, California studying Pre Veterinary Animal Science and finishing with a Bachelor degree in Biology and studies in Sports Psychology. Now in her Golden years, Susan is continuously expanding her palette of artistic mediums with wisdom and insights gathered 'seeing' through well travelled eyes i : Design, Photography,paingit, Jewlery, Graphics, Writing, Nutrition, healing Arts, Equus, Belly Dancing and Life.

After 34 years of not painting, Susan picked up a brush to oil paint this
'Dressage Embrassed' piece to win the 2019 USDF Art Contest.